How not to do Customer Support : ACT Fibernet

4 min readDec 31, 2023


I can’t fathom such high levels of inadequacies in a support team , but ACT support team has went above and beyond to disappoint me for 6 months continuously. This was also a experiment to test my own patience to see how long I can put up with this charade and to find out how deep this problem runs.

Here is a TL;DR version.

Made over 50 calls back and forth with Customer support team , But every time they start from the beginning .

I have parroted the story more than 100 times, but there has been no empathy for me or my plight .

Every team in customer support only cares about closing their ticket. Not about solving the issue.

4 and half months of no service and no drive to resolve / fix the connection and I have had to follow up every time

None of the teams have ways of knowing what was communicated or promised as each person is acting on a script . Teams make call just to show action and not to resolve. This is frustrating that you are treated as a metric .

No callbacks are done over 6 months on my problems . But when the service has ended , they are calling me multiple times a day to ask me why I have not made payments.

Humans at ACT Support are worse than AI Chatbots.

  • Lost connection because ACT provided a bad service in my area and 6 customers decided to disconnect in the same month. Lost my connection because of hub unavailability in my community.
  • ACT could not restore connection to my house.
  • Raised over 10 tickets to be closed with no comments or discussion. The local team only closed the ticket if they cant fix it . They cant transfer control to the backend team. I have to follow up with multiple tickets to no result.
  • Asked for disconnect and refund as I had service left for 6 months — ACT team requested to continue ( First cheated me with no refund and after which is reconnected to continue to ask for the refund ) . Promised to install a GX Box which is an individual connection.
  • WARNING : If you choose disconnect , you cant contact the customer support team for the refund .. you blocked out of the app . You need to reconnect to connect with the Support team.
  • 4 and half months of multiple follow ups and requests to disconnect resulted in the connection to be restored.
  • Disconnection team promises GX box .. Reconnection team has no clue Support team has no clue .. I was paying to 6 months so no one cares about by connection disruption ..
  • I was promised a service extension and a reconnection when I again requested to disconnect the service and asked for a refund.
  • Realized the communication between teams was so broken that they had multiple tickets internally that did not close the GX box approval on their end.
  • At this point , The amount of refund and the time taken to resolve of 4 1/2 months was too much for escalation on their end so the decided to override and install the GX box. ( individual connection )
  • The service was restored by an Engineer who arrived at my home unannounced , who did not provide a router or anything that works with the service.. I had to provide my own equipment and Ethernet cables to restore the connection and debug the connection on my own.
  • Tried contact support for the promised extension in service
  • The following has been happening since my last day of service ( 15 days )
  • Multiple calls a day from the billing team as to what issue i have . They stress on making payment.
  • Multiple calls a day , where the support team calls me , just to disconnect ( after answering and greetings are exchanged ) and never try to reconnect . This is a token call to show action not resolution
  • Multiple SMSs to indicate reconnects and disconnects of my service depending on which team is looking at it. This is a lot messages causing me distress as this does not resolve my issues.
  • I have called 10 times and repeated my issue .. They do have notes on the ticket if I ask them to check and read .. But everyone just points to some one ( Jayashree has the most references of being the person dropping the ball ) , but cannot promise me a resolution.

I no longer plan to pursue this service.. This was me not realizing that I have a sunken cost fallacy in trying to resolve this issue based on the time i have spent.

This is me getting closure and closing the issue by journalling this horrible experience and moving on.

